Thursday, 15 November 2012

Interview #1: Kathryn Howden

As our Blog aims to explore all aspects of day to day life at the Citizens Theatre, once a month we will be interviewing a different individual/department working in the Theatre. Today, we bring you an interview with Kathryn Howden, one of Scotland's most established and prolific actors. Recent credits include the National Theatre of Scotland's production of  The Guid Sisters at Edinburgh's Lyceum Theatre as well as King Lear, Footfalls and now Sleeping Beauty all for the Citz.

How are you finding Sleeping Beauty rehearsals and playing the part of Goody?
I'm having a great time. I think its always difficult at Christmas because its one of the most difficult shows to put on and it needs the longest [rehearsal time] but it never gets the longest. Because kids have such an imagination you need to match that so therefore you've got to be really confident about what you're doing. But thankfully Dominic is giving it a wee bit longer this time. I'm enjoying it [but] I'm not quite sure of the character yet, I'm not quite sure I've got it yet but that's part of the challenge.

This is your fifth time working with the Citz Artistic Director, Dominic Hill, you obviously have a successful working relationship, why do you think that is?
I just like the way he works, I like his passion, I love his mind , I love how he thinks about things and I always feel like I can trust him. Even when, sometimes, I feel like 'ooh maybe that's not the right way' I instinctively trust him and he's always been right. Our very first time together, I'd heard a lot about him from a lot of actors and actresses I really respected and they always said 'oh, he's fantastic to work for', and the very first time we just clicked and we very quickly got a short hand [and] so we didn't have to go into huge details about things. What I'm finding now is that I'll be thinking something but he's already ahead of me. And I like the fun, he makes me laugh.

Why do you think Dominic's appointment as Artistic Director at the Citz has been so successful?
It was in the wilderness for quite a long time and it just needed someone with Dominic's vision. And I think it will be a hard job but I think if anyone can do it, he can. I think he will choose interesting and exciting plays and I think people will want to come again. Last season it was just so lovely to see people in the bar again. For some reason, its always seemed so far away but now it just seems like its the central theatre that we've got because its really vibrant and working and happening and I just think its great. I am so glad because it could have just gone the other way and disappeared completely.

What would be your dream role? Or have you already played it?
I've never really had dream roles I have to say. I love doing good work, I love work that excites me. I did Footfalls with Dominic and I never imagined I would ever be doing Beckett, it never really interested me, I couldn't really get it. But when I did it I fell in love with it and its one of the best things that I've personally got so much out of. I'd still like to try Lady M and I've not done any of the Tennessee Williams, I'd love to try one. With Shakespeare, I have to say, I'm more interested in the men than the woman. Cleopatra is one I'd love to try and I think, in a funny way, you can play that at any age if its done properly. I like doing a mixture of comedy and serious stuff as well, so this years been good for that, I've had a very varied year.

What advice would you like to go back and give to yourself as a young actor starting out? 
I would say to relax more. And trust in my instincts more. And I think just to believe in myself more. I think that gets in the way of a lot of actors and I think it's the worst thing. Because its not about confidence or an exaggerated confidence in yourself, its just about a belief in yourself, and you can be the shyest person in the world, which a lot of actors are, but if you have a belief in what your gift is then you can still be the same person. I would say to be yourself and to believe in yourself and believe in your dreams and really to keep believing in it. I've wanted to be an actress since I was 3 and sometimes I still get a big rush of 'Oh my God, I'm getting to do what I've always wanted to do' and its a joy, it's a real joy. I think what I would probably say to younger actors would be not to get caught up in competitiveness because I think that destroys you. Just keep your own council, look after yourself and don't worry about other people because everyone's unique and individual  and it doesn't matter what other people are doing because you have an individual gift that only you have and if you believe that and work on that then the other things will fall into place. I think that's what I would say.

'Sleeping Beauty' is on at the Citizens Theatre, Glasgow, from the 1 Dec to 6 Jan. For tickets, please contact the box office on: 0141 429 0022; or book online at www.citz.co.uk.

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