This week has mainly been devoted to acclimatising ourselves to the building and familiarising ourselves with the many people and workings of the Citizens Theatre. We've had meetings, workshops, night school, weekend classes and cake. On reflection, its amazing how little time we actually spent in the building. One of the main things we learnt this week is just how much the Citz does around and about Glasgow; we've been to schools, theatres, rehearsals with 13 and 14 year olds who have never done a play before and met community members who have been apart of the theatre for up to 12 years. Combine this with all the different departments and you realise how much work goes into keeping a producing theatre afloat.
We thought you might like to have a glimpse of a few of the week's best bits:
First day at the Citz and we were pleased to discover that official staff status had been bestowed! Even if we are at the bottom.
We have an office!! So if you need us, that's where we'll our office. At our desk. On our phone. Playing office.
Unfortunately there's only one chair between the two of it's just one at a time for now:
Took a trip with the learning and production staff to visit the venue for Divided City. Pretty impressive!
Had a lovely time meeting the Citizens Community Theatre Company and listening to the first bunch of ideas for their Winter Warmer show. An inspiring bunch of people with some brilliant stories. We wish them best of luck for the rest of rehearsals!
Initiated into the weekly Citz tradition of cake friday. At 4 o' clock the entire building grinds to a halt as everyone descends into the green room to loosen their belts and indulge in a feast of home baking by that week's chosen department. Oh it's going to be a tough year...
Next week: Rehearsals for Sleeping Beauty commence...stay tuned.